Campus Life

Mishloach Manot

5 Quick Steps

List of 5 items.

  • Step 1

    This fundraiser is exclusively online, so please login at to place your order. Enter your personal code and your last name. Then click "Login”. 
  • Step 2

    Click "Continue" to verify and/or modify your personal information.  Please note: You are the only one able to see your personal information including title, address, and children's names. Once done, click "Save & Continue" at the bottom of that page to proceed to the order page.  
  • Step 3

     There are several ways to make your selections. You can either: 
         a. See the entire school list at once including all parents and staff, or
         b. Click a subcategory where it states, "select category list" and view by grade for parents and by division for teachers. You can also find subcategories for administration and support staff. Teachers and assistants are also included with the grade in which they teach, or
        c. Send to the whole school, including all employees, for $1,000.
  • Step 4

    When you are finished making your selections, you also have the opportunity to "Reciprocate." If you select this option, you agree to pay for a gift for anyone who has sent you one but who you did not originally select on your list. You will be charged an additional $12 per gift. Your credit card will be charged a second charge after the ordering deadline, and you will receive subsequent email receipt. To "Reciprocate,” you must first place an order for at least 5 recipients
  • Step 5

    Click the "Order" button to submit and pay.
    Thank you so much for participating in this wonderful mitzvah!
    Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact  Evelyn Marcushamer.

What if I use a different last name?

In the form, use the family’s last name. The mother’s last name should only be used if she has a different last name than the father. Please ensure your address is added to the profile.

What if I can’t find someone?
Once you access the list of names, you’ll find a search option in the top right corner of the list. Please check the spelling carefully, as typos will prevent the name from appearing. If you still can’t find the family, please contact for assistance.

How do I receive my gift?
The youngest member of each family will bring the gift home.
  • For ECE and Lower School students, the gift will be distributed to their classroom.
  • For Middle School and High School students, the gift must be picked up at the distribution center in the breezeway outside the cafeteria.
How do I receive my gift if my child doesn’t attend school that day?
  • ECE and Lower School gifts will remain in the classroom.
  • Middle School and High School gifts will need to be picked up from the respective offices at your earliest convenience.
If I choose "reciprocity," will I also be charged for gifting families who gifted the whole school?
No, selecting reciprocity means you will only be giving to families who have individually chosen to give to you.